A friend recently moaned to me about the trauma she experienced whilst trying to make a train journey. I told her she should have taken the sleeper train Hester and I went on recently. It was there when we wanted to board it and we had a good night's sleep untroubled by a bumpy ride.
Lately Hester and I have taken to having a "Festive Experience" rather than spending a lot of money on presents. Last year we did the Harry Potter Studio Tour in London. Despite spending over 3 hours there we still didn't see half of the stuff on show. You could get a picture taken of you playing Quidditch (due to some electronic trickery I presume) but when I told some, so called, friends about my regret at not having time to do so, they made some very hurtful comments about me and flying on broomsticks!
As you can see our bedroom was very posh and had a large bed with a duvet and black quilt. Lovely chairs and matching drapes as well. All very romantic although curtains right around the bed would have been even better
Robert informs me that our bedroom was based on a British Rail Mk1 compartment carriage but I don't really care. Hester and I had a lovely Christmas meal, including mulled wine, some sherries, and a night in a four-poster bed. So much nicer than getting an Xbox 1 or a PS4, whatever they are!