Robert sent me the above picture recently. He says it is a "Class 180", whatever that is supposed to mean. He further claims it belongs to the a little railway company called Grand Central. I might be getting old, but I can clearly see that it says "First" on the front. I sometimes wonder if he always tells me the truth.
Anyway, I am happy to report that he is in fine fettle at the moment. He's been watching "James May's Toy Stories" on the TV and is inspired to start a new project. He intends to build a Hadron Collider using his old Meccano set. Apparently there's a group of scientists in Europe doing something similar, but they are having some teething problems. Robert reckons he'll get his up and running first.
He tells me that once that's done, he is going to use it to look for Higgs the Bos'n, or someone like that. I told him he would probably be better trying Friends Reunited. His response, to say the least, was rather frosty. I was only trying to help, and I am sure they will have a section for tracing old naval types, if only he would give them a try.
I will let you know how he gets on.